Net.flag explores territorial identity by turning the visual language of international flags into a tool for individual expression. Through an online software interface, visitors from around the world contribute to one “flag for the Internet”. The visitor to net.flag not only views the flag but can change it in a moment to reflect their own nationalist, political, apolitical or territorial agenda. The resulting flag is both an emblem and a micro territory in it’s own right; a place for confrontation, assertion, communication and play.The Internet is not a geographic location. It is a space created by man-made infrastructure that carries the potential of information, group identity, economic and political advantage. Nations and terrorists alike use the Internet to carry out their agendas. Those who control the structures, both hard and soft, that make this new space, control the nature of the space itself, providing or limiting access to the resources of the network.
Net.flag was commissioned by the Guggenheim Museum and acquired into their permanent collection.
New York Times, Matthew Mirapaul, February 2002